Commenting open: February 25, 2025 12:00AM PT - March 30, 2025 11:59PM PT.
Battery Stewardship Program Rulemaking- Chapter 173-905 WAC (Informal Comment Period)
Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Providing contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.
Chapter 173-905 WAC - Battery Stewardship Program
Department of Ecology (Ecology) is writing rules to clarify definitions, plan requirements, and annual reporting requirements; set the agency fee to cover oversight costs of the program; and establish battery management standards. Other topics Ecology will address with rulemaking include, but are not limited to, setting performance targets and goals, determining local government handling costs, and clarifying battery labeling requirements.
Chapter 70A.555 RCW requires Ecology to adopt rules. This new law creates an Extend Producer Responsibility (EPR) program that will increase opportunity for people to recycle unwanted batteries. Battery stewardship organizations must submit plans to Ecology describing how the program will operate. Beginning January 1, 2027 , producers selling covered batteries into Washington must participate in an approved battery stewardship plan and fund the program. With this rulemaking, Ecology intends to clarify battery management requirements so that battery stewardship organizations can submit plans that comply with the law.
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Thank you for subscribing to the Battery Stewardship Program Rulemaking- Chapter 173-905 WAC (Informal Comment Period) mailing list.
Please note that this comment form is for the purpose of submitting a comment to the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Providing contact information is necessary if you want to receive future notices or responses related to this topic.
Chapter 173-905 WAC - Battery Stewardship Program
Department of Ecology (Ecology) is writing rules to clarify definitions, plan requirements, and annual reporting requirements; set the agency fee to cover oversight costs of the program; and establish battery management standards. Other topics Ecology will address with rulemaking include, but are not limited to, setting performance targets and goals, determining local government handling costs, and clarifying battery labeling requirements.
Chapter 70A.555 RCW requires Ecology to adopt rules. This new law creates an Extend Producer Responsibility (EPR) program that will increase opportunity for people to recycle unwanted batteries. Battery stewardship organizations must submit plans to Ecology describing how the program will operate. Beginning January 1, 2027 , producers selling covered batteries into Washington must participate in an approved battery stewardship plan and fund the program. With this rulemaking, Ecology intends to clarify battery management requirements so that battery stewardship organizations can submit plans that comply with the law.
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